Florida Atlantic — What’s Up?

Sunny Florida — Or Is It?

So what are we to expect this upcoming weekend?  The forecast is for 60% rain.  And as friends of mine have told me: “This time of year it rains just about every day.  But it may be for five minutes or all day.  Who knows.”

So as we are packing for this latest trip what do we take?  We have had rain for two of the first three tailgates and this one does not look much better.  So do I plan for rain or shine?  Wind or calm?  Not something that would normally be of major concern except that I am thinking about what to do when I am doing a remote tailgate without my personal car.  I’ll be in a rental car and flying into Boca Raton.  So  I can’t just bring a bunch of stuff ‘just in case.’   I need to bring only that which I can take on the plane.  And with the crazy fees for extra bags that the airlines charge, I don’t want to take more bags than are really necessary. 

So I’ll take the single tent, banner and a couple of flags.  I’ll take the power inverter and hope that I can protect my electronics enough to provide the RowdyCam Tailgate for y’all.  I’ll take a few bungee cords and purchase gallon water containers there to hold down the tent and just “wing” it as we go.  I’m not sure where we will setup or how close we will be to the stadium this week.  But I’ll try to do my best and work with Matty, Irish and a few others to come up with the best place to setup.  Whether it is close or not, we will make the best of it and be sure to proudly represent the Orange and Blue.

Linda and I will be attending the party with the UTSA Alumni Association after the game.  I’ll try to post/tweet a few photos during this for y’all to see along with some initial comments after the game.  So keep watching for tweets from RowdysRoadhouse and expect for the webcam to be active around 1:00pm CTS. 

Go Runners!!!!!!


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