Self control is overrated.

We have made it past our first tailgate of 2015.  With a morning kickoff, it was short and sweet.  Between the setup and tear down we only had 2 1/2 hours to mingle with the crowd.  We were happy to see a lot of our old friends and acquaintances that dropped by to say hi.  We had a lot of conversations, but one comment I received has stuck in my mind:  “This is what you consider a light tailgate?” 

Yes.  We had taken it easy in our minds.  We brought about half of our normal supplies and decor.  Didn’t bring any of the new stuff for 2015 and pretty much just winged it from a planning standpoint.  It was nice and simple.  Mostly just something there to block the sun and get us started in the new season of college football.

But that was the first of six home tailgates.  A morning game.  Short.  Simple.  However, as we have said in the past, our self control mechanism is not functioning when it comes to supporting UTSA Athletics.  So after this initial “light” tailgate, we are in the process of planning for the Colorado St. game on the 26th.  Nine hours of tailgating.  Let’s just say that what we did last weekend will pale in comparison.

Prior to this season, we had been challenged by a few folks in the UTSA Athletic department to take it to the next level.  To promote an upscale tailgating experience that is primarily focused on promoting UTSA and responsible tailgating.  With this in mind, I think Linda and I have a good plan.  Er… a new concept… Oh hell… we have gone overboard. 

We will be tailgating with the RowdyTalk group again this season.  They have surged in tailgating leaders and between John, Pete, Cal, Conner and a few others, it will be an awesome tailgating experience.  Since last year they have had custom made ‘Runner metal cutouts.  New flags.  John has created an incredible new grill trailer donning the UTSA colors. Connor has upped everyone with a swamp cooler (outside air-conditioner) and freezer.  The amount of grilling they all did at the last tailgate was impressive for such a short, breakfast tailgate!

As for Linda and I there are new banners, tables and serving trays.  Vases and floral arrangements.  Audio and video improvements.   Signature deserts and drinks.  Yes, today we are not in a P5 conference, but that does not mean that we can’t act like we are.  As I have learned over the years, perception is reality.  So if we tailgate, party and support UTSA in a positive, enthusiastic and professional manner then maybe, just maybe, our casual fans that drop by will catch the ‘Runner fever. That would be the icing on the cake.

So if you are roaming the lots before the game, be sure to drop by the Rowdy’s Roadhouse & RowdyTalk tailgate area around the “B2” light post, otherwise known as the “RowdyTalk Sidewalk”.  Everyone is welcome.  UTSA fans and opposing teams fans.  Introduce yourself and enjoy some UTSA &  San Antonio hospitality.


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