And the Season Ends

Well, the football season has ended, and with this ends the special fall for Linda and I.  What a ride this fall has been for us.  From the hustle of the Houston game, to the high of the close game against Arizona before the injuries started to decimate the season.  From driving hundreds of miles to away games, to living with the realities of airline flight cancellations and delays.  Struggling with rain and questionable weather.  And one really cold and lonely tailgate at home.  But at least we ended the year with a win.  And a win against UNT at that (that’s 2-0 for the record against UNT).

It’s been a fun ride though.  We have met some wonderful people.  Seen some places that we otherwise would not have bothered to see and gotten closer as a couple.  We feel that we have the ability to make a difference for UTSA Athletics and hope that we can continue to make the investments in time, energy and money to help the program grow.

Good news is that from a sports standpoint, we are not done for the year.  Linda and I attend just about all of the home basketball games and plan on trying to get to at least a couple of the road games this year.  Also, even though we are not big fans of baseball, we plan on attending a few of these games also.  Why you ask?  Because being a supporter of UTSA Athletics means more than just supporting football.  It means supporting the overall efforts of the Athletics Department.  Supporting the student athletes as they enjoy this special time in their lives while attaining a top-notch education.  It is what is meant by being #All_In.

So in the near-term Linda and I will be working with Matthew of TailgateSA and John, Chris & Pete of RowdyTalk to come up with at least one major Tailgate event for Basketball (Men & Women’s) & Baseball/Softball (Men & Women’s).  Why you ask?  Because they deserve to be supported and have the encouragement of seeing students, fans and parents celebrating their sport.

Linda and I are starting to have “the” conversations about next year.  What seats and how many.  Will we do some group purchases for our youth group at our church?  Is a trailer in our near future?  Using John’s (Irish) words, do we go full SEC in our tailgating next year and take it truly to the next level?  And how much more do we want to go #All_In?

It’s been a fun time and we definitely want to continue to support UTSA Athletics.  So stay tuned.  We will update this blog, twitter and RowdyTalk as we finalize plans down the road.  In the meantime, we will make a series of posts throughout December with photos, videos and such from our travels this fall, for those that are interested.



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